Excellent news - the mass pigeon killing that was due to begin today at Kidbrooke Park Village has been suspended following public outcry.
This is a testament to the collective power of this amazing community, and that of all the other great organisations that have been involved in this campaign. Well done to everyone who emailed, called, signed and shared the petition and who spread the word about this unethical and ineffective decision. Suspended doesn't mean cancelled however, so it's important to keep the pressure on the Berkeley Group and Rendall & Rittner, ensuring that they opt to employ non-lethal and humane forms of pigeon deterrence instead. Sign the petition at https://bit.ly/3csw4ZN. Get in touch using the following details; Rendall & Rittner Twitter - https://twitter.com/rendallrittner Email - Jamie.oloughlin@rendallandrittner.co.uk, office@rendallandrittner.co.uk Phone - 020 3764 5587 Berkeley Group Facebook - https://m.facebook.com/Berkeley-Group-1183410411769830/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/berkeleygroupuk Phone - 020 7601 7300

The picture is of a recently rescued baby pigeon; an intelligent animal capable of pain and suffering, deserving of the same protections as any other wild bird, guilty of nothing more than trying to survive in an urban environment that we introduced their species to, and of having a bad reputation founded on popular myth, rather than fact.