Organise a Talk by the GWN at your School, Workplace or Community Group
The Greenwich Wildlife Network is able to deliver an approximately 60-90 minute educational talk, including PowerPoint presentation and Q&A session, to schools, businesses or community groups. The subject of this talk can either be the work we do rescuing injured, unwell and orphaned animals, or the biggest threats that wildlife faces in the urban environment when trying to co-exist alongside humans, such as litter, car accidents and displacement due to housing and commercial developments, using real-life rescue scenarios as examples.
The talk is adjusted depending on the audience's age group and any special behavioural needs (for schools). Occasionally, we may be able to bring some domestic animals for a short 'visit' to schools, under certain conditions that mean animal welfare is not compromised.
We ask for a donation of £50 to deliver a talk, but are willing to be flexible in regards to community groups or charitable enterprises.
Please get in touch using the form below or by emailing Greenwichwildlifenetwork@gmail.com if you're interested in this service.